江苏农牧科技职业学院有哪些 scholarships?

江苏农牧科技职业学院有哪些 scholarships?

Scholarships offered by the college:

  • International Scholarship: Offered to international students.
  • National Scholarship: Offered to all full-time students.
  • Merit Scholarship: Offered to students with high GPAs.
  • Financial Aid: Available to students with financial need.
  • Scholarships for International Students: Offered to international students.

Additional scholarships:

  • National Scholarship for College Students with Disabilities: This scholarship is available to students with disabilities who are pursuing a degree or vocational training program.
  • Jiangsu Provincial Scholarship: This scholarship is available to students who are residents of Jiangsu province.
  • National Scholarship for Outstanding Students: This scholarship is available to students who have achieved outstanding academic performance.
  • Jiangsu Province Scholarship for Outstanding Students: This scholarship is available to students who have achieved outstanding academic performance in their hometown.

How to apply for scholarships:

  • Students can apply for scholarships online through the college's website.
  • Students can also apply for scholarships through the Chinese government's scholarship website.

Contact information:

  • Jiangsu Agricultural University of Technology College Scholarship Office:
    • Phone: (86) 6261-8222
    • Email: scholarship@jsu.edu.cn
    • Website: [College website link]