关于医学的职业生涯规划 英语作文,英语作文 如何为未来的职业生涯做准备

关于医学的职业生涯规划 英语作文

1、关于医学的职业生涯规划 英语作文

职业生涯规划英文   建议您浏览文章《职业生涯规划英文-文秘范文》由 个人简历 网: http://www.***.com 整理,访问地址为: http://www.***.com/wm/gw/wenshu/6991e9eea7

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英语作文 如何为未来的职业生涯做准备

2、英语作文 如何为未来的职业生涯做准备

I always knew that I wanted to apply for english-related ***.My dream career is an english interpreter.And I want to be an english teacher after I quit the interpreting job.I don't just want to be confined by one job.Changing my career once or twice,I can acquire different experience and enrich my ***.As part of my career planning I made a strict schedule for myself to keep to.In my first year in university,I extended my vocabulary and learned grammar very hard.I knew that I should have a thorough grounding in english if I wanted to use it fluently in the future,especially if I wanted to translate ***.In grade two,I began to apply for some part-time interpreting jobs.I knew that I should gain enough work experience, so as to win in the exceedingly competitive job market.Moreover。



College students' career planningIn recent years,more and more colleges lay stress on the education of college students'career planning.As we all know,nowadays,there are cut-throat competitions in the society everywhere. Inreality,the competition for job-seeking is also very intense. Every year,there are a lot ofstudents graduating from different universities to be chosen by companies,which preferemployees having better ability and skills. So graduates are forced to plan their job career inadvance. If they want to have a satisfying job,they have to make enough preparations. Onlyin this way,can they get to set a clear goal and make efforts for it. And students' careerplanning surely can promote us to some extent.College students are supposed to plan their career better. In my opinion,we should studymajority well first. Then,we have to learn to use computer skillful,which will play an importantrole in the future. Last but not least,we should try our best to expand our horizons. Forexample,we can do more reading,lear more social skills and take into practice more often,etc.。
