德州职业学院有哪些 alumni?

德州职业学院有哪些 alumni?

Top 10 Alumni of Texas Tech University

  1. Elon Musk
  2. George Bush
  3. Sam Houston
  4. Michael Dell
  5. George W. Bush
  6. Robert F. Smith
  7. Ben Folds
  8. George Strait
  9. C.T. May
  10. Michael Jordan

Other Notable Alumni

  • Former Texas Tech University President James H. Dozier
  • Former Texas Tech University Regent James H. Dozier
  • Former Texas Tech University Regent Charles M. May
  • Former Texas Tech University Regent Charles M. May
  • Former Texas Tech University Dean of Engineering James P. Batten
  • Former Texas Tech University Dean of Engineering Charles E. Pruitt

Additional Resources

  • Texas Tech University Alumni Directory
  • Texas Tech University Alumni Association

Note: The list of alumni is not exhaustive and may include individuals who have graduated from Texas Tech University but have not yet reached the top 10.
