- employer sponsored plan
- individual contribution plan
- self-employed individual contribution plan
** employer sponsored plan**
- employer provide employees with a certain amount of money to pay for their social insurance contributions.
- employer also provide matching contributions, which means employer will contribute an additional amount to the employee's contributions.
** individual contribution plan**
- employee can contribute to their own social insurance contributions.
- employee can also contribute to their spouse's social insurance contributions.
** self-employed individual contribution plan**
- self-employed individuals can contribute to their own social insurance contributions.
- self-employed individuals can also contribute to their spouse's social insurance contributions.
- 2016年上海自由职业者缴纳社保的特殊规定是,** employer sponsored plan** 是所有自由职业者最常用的缴纳方式。**
- 2016年上海自由职业者缴纳社保的缴纳期限是每年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日。
- 2016年上海自由职业者缴纳社保的缴纳方式可以在线缴纳,也可以通过手机缴纳。