绵阳职业学院有哪些 financial aid application deadline?

绵阳职业学院有哪些 financial aid application deadline?

Sure, here are the financial aid application deadlines for Mionyang Vocational College:

  • Fall Semester (September):

    • Application deadline: July 15
    • Documents required: Academic transcripts, financial statements, personal statement, and other required application materials
  • Spring Semester (January):

    • Application deadline: November 15
    • Documents required: Academic transcripts, financial statements, and other required application materials


  • Application deadlines may vary slightly depending on the academic year and availability of funds.
  • It is highly recommended to submit your application well in advance of the deadline to ensure a smooth and successful application process.
  • For more specific and updated information, please contact the financial aid office of Mionyang Vocational College directly.