武汉商贸职业学院有哪些 student exchange 合作?

武汉商贸职业学院有哪些 student exchange 合作?

Student exchange programs with other countries:

  • China-Africa Cooperation Forum (CAEF): The college has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with CAEF to participate in the CAEF Student Exchange Program. This program allows students to study abroad for a semester or year at partner institutions in Africa.
  • Global Education Partnership (GEP): The college is a member of the GEP, which is a global network of higher education institutions that collaborate on student exchange programs. Students can participate in the GEP Student Exchange Program to study abroad at partner institutions in other countries.
  • Erasmus+: The college is an Erasmus+ partner institution, which means it is eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program. This program allows students to study abroad for a semester or year at a partner institution in another country.
  • Double Degree Programs: The college offers double degree programs with partner institutions abroad, allowing students to earn an undergraduate degree from both institutions and a graduate degree from the partner institution.

Other opportunities:

  • International Internship Programs: The college offers international internship programs in various fields, allowing students to gain practical experience in different countries.
  • Short-term programs: The college offers short-term programs and workshops on various topics, allowing students to participate in intensive programs abroad.


  • For more information on student exchange programs, please visit the college's website or contact the international office.
  • The college is also a member of the Global University Network (GUN), which offers a wide range of student exchange programs with partner institutions worldwide.