- 床垫
- 床架
- 睡衣柜
- vanity
- 照明
- 门禁
- 网线
- 书架
- 机柜
- 电源插座
- 窗帘
- ensuite Bathroom
- vanity with mirror
- bathtub or shower
- 热水器
- 冷却器
- 电源线
- 其他家具或设施
** bathroom设施:**
- bathtub or shower
- vanity with mirror
- toilet
- sink
- shower curtain
- shampoo and conditioner dispensers
- soap dispenser
- toilet brush holder
- hand dryer
- exhaust fan
- vanity light
- 书架
- 机柜
- 网线
- 窗帘
- ensuite Bathroom
- vanity with mirror
- bathtub or shower
- 热水器
- 冷却器