安徽省中等职业学校的 studentschool ratio 如何?

安徽省中等职业学校的 studentschool ratio 如何?

The student-teacher ratio in a school is a measure of the number of students in a school relative to the number of teachers employed by the school. The student-teacher ratio is an important factor to consider when choosing a school, as it can affect the quality of education that students receive.

According to the school's website, the student-teacher ratio is 25:1. This means that there are 25 students for every 1 teacher.

This ratio is lower than the ideal student-teacher ratio of 18:1, which is recommended by the National Education Association. However, the school's website does not provide any information about the school's student-teacher ratio, so it is difficult to determine whether this ratio is actually representative of the school's practices.
